With the title 'All About Aboriginal Art' who am I? From my profile you will see that I am an indigenous Australian. More to the point I am a Tasmanian Aborigine married to an aboriginal from N.S.W. I have travelled over much of Australia & also resided in the South Pacific. I can speak languages native to that region. Our culture is very varied; I do not claim to know everything, but I am careful to research before I speak. I speak from my heart & can only say what I feel as an Aboriginal person living in this 21st century. I paint to express my aboriginality & my soul. I obey tradition & so paint only what I understand I am allowed to by culture as a Tasmanian & member of my family's tribe. I like to educate people about the many styles of Australian Aboriginal art - so paint as varied as possible. I also paint to educate about my homeland, our history, our culture & what needs to be done to preserve it. I have been inspired by the cave art of my people. This beautiful ancient hand stencil is from a cave in Tasmania. I like to think my ancestors either painted it or knew the artist. If you enjoy this site, please tell your friends about it.
I like your web-site but all I want to no is how did they paint the art I mean with what?
They painted with naturally occuring orches. Sometimes the paint was blown on; sometimes they used a stick or piece of greenery. I may discuss this more in a future blog.
I like to think my ancestors either painted it or knew the artist
Great post...Thank you Aprilviolet for sharing this information about you. I really like this speak.
I really like your art hub site!
Please visit my site and see some of my art.
karoline - http://www.karoline-art.com
If you will get any chance you will come to Australia and I would suggest you must visit to Aboriginal Art Gallery once. It is an amazing place to relax.
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